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Year 12 Class of 2022 - Graduation

Sep 26, 2022

The Year 12 Graduation Chapel took place on Wednesday 21 September at Wahroonga Adventist Church. The Graduation Chapel is becoming a significant tradition at Wahroonga Adventist School, a time where we recognise and celebrate the achievements of our graduating year 12 class. The event opened with the graduating class entering to their final roll call, backed by a beautiful piece performed by the school orchestra. Another significant element of the Graduation Chapel is the handing over of the candles, a symbolic moment where our graduating leaders pass the responsibility of bearing light on to the next generation of leaders in our school.


The gathered students, parents, families, friends and staff were then treated to a number of excellent reflections from the 2022 School Vice Captains and Captains, as well as Charli Bowyer, who reflected on behalf of the Genesis Students, who have attended Wahroonga from Prep to 12. The Year 12 class band performed a moving rendition of "Slipping Through My Fingers" as a tribute to their time at school.



Next came the awards, a moment to lift up the achievements of our graduates across the various subjects and courses that they have taken throughout their HSC journey. A special thanks must go to Lieutenant Graham Swan, who provided moving insights on the significance of the ADF awards. Thanks also to Mr Johnny Edwards, who was a significant teacher for the Year 12 class through their primary school journey and returned for their graduation to share final words of wisdom. Finally, the graduating class of 2022 were presented with their graduation certificates and addressed with the charge to Year 12, delivered by our Principal Mrs Heise. The graduates then walked the school surrounded by an honour guard of Wahroonga students. The afternoon was capped with time to celebrate and take photos with family and friends - all in all, an excellent celebration and send off for an excellent group of graduates.


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