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Museum of Contemporary Art Excursion

Nov 01, 2022


Last Thursday, Visual Art Students across Years 9 and 12 visited the Museum of Contemporary Art. It was a gorgeous day where students participated in a guided workshop, wandered the gallery, and enjoyed a delicious lunch. The workshop educators were helpful in deepening students understanding of the importance of place, especially Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander connection to land. The artworks represented the social and physical aspects of place, and how our land has been affected by environmental change and geopolitics.

Students were asked to think of a significant place in their lives to symbolise this through a collage. Many students explored their own connection to water and bushland, especially as the studio room that they were working in faced the harbour and Circular Quay. Our Art Educator shared the word Giligili from the language of the Gadigal people, which refers to how the sun glitters and flicks off the water. Students were grateful for the opportunity to connect to Indigenous culture through both artworks and the site of the MCA.


Excursion Oct 22 2.jpg
