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Commemorating the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II

Oct 21, 2022

A commemorative tree planting ceremony was held this week in the grounds of Sydney Adventist Hospital, in honour of the late Queen Elizabeth II.


Our Environmental Ambassadors, Primary Captains, Vice Captains and School Captains, along with Member for Bradfield Paul Fletcher, Hornsby Mayor Philip Ruddock and Ku-ring-gai Mayor Jeff Pettett joined senior hospital staff and leaders of the Adventist Church to pay tribute to the late Monarch by planting an advanced blackbutt tree.


The blackbutt is the first of 700 trees to be planted on the Wahroonga Estate through the Australian Government’s Planting Trees for The Queen’s Jubilee Program. Ten trees will be planted for every year of the late Queen’s reign—all native varieties, including gum, wattle and red cedar. The large-scale tree planting project will be a special, living tribute to the late Queen, who was known for her commitment towards protecting the environment.



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