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Annual Invictus Breakfast

Feb 24, 2022


Friday the 25th of February saw the continuation of a significant Wahroonga tradition - the Invictus breakfast. The breakfast is an opportunity for our Year 10 students, participating in the Serve module, to put service into action and welcome our Year 7 students to high school. The year 7 students are engaged in the Network module, which focuses on building healthy connections and relationships in our communities.


 On Friday morning our year 10 students arrived early and began preparations in the school kitchen, cooking pancakes, cheese toasties and hashbrowns for the Year 7 classes. The Year 10 classes had also spent time writing personalised welcome notes in the year 7 Invictus journals, which were delivered to the students along with their breakfast. 


The breakfast this year held special significance, as the year 10 students were the first group to be served breakfast, this tradition started when they were in year 7 in 2019. It was great to see the process of serving come full circle for the first time.


Thank you to our excellent Year 10 class for their efforts, and to our staff leaders who assisted on the day, and welcome to the Year 7 class of 2022!


 Yr 7 Breaky Feb 2022 8.jpgYr 7 Breaky Feb 2022 7 (2).jpg
