Vision, Mission and Philosophy
We take a holistic approach to education. We believe in nurturing character and spirituality as well as academics.
Our values-based education highlights the importance of wise decision-making, positive values, being good leaders and respecting others. Our students develop into well-rounded, responsible citizens. Lively weekly chapel services and daily bible classes focus on Christian values and aim toward developing self-worth and social responsibility.
The educational organisation and function of this school is based on the Christian principles and values as understood and espoused by the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
The school aims to bring about the balanced development of physical, mental, social and spiritual capacities, which in turn leads to the development of purposeful, responsible citizens.
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Because we take a holistic approach to education, we nurture character development and spirituality. In our special values program we highlight the importance of wise decision-making and focus on positive values. Through fostering leadership skills and respect for others, students develop into well rounded and responsible citizens. Lively weekly chapel services, class devotionals and scripture classes focus on Christian values and aim to develop self-worth and social responsibility.
One of our primary aims within the Seventh-day Adventist school system is that we help your child develop strength of character and hold sound, Christian principles.
Your child will experience activities and lessons through programs and opportunities that are designed to teach the value of life and respect for others and themselves.
Your child will have the opportunity to participate in several programs which offer involvement in the local community and provide students with life-changing experiences. Our school also presents students with many opportunities to develop an understanding for the needs of others through 'Beyond our School Yard' projects for various charities in collaboration with the Student Representative Council and the Home and School Association.
Some of the specific leadership programs at Wahroonga Adventist School include:
- Peer Support
- Student Representative Council
- House Leaders
- Prefects
- Captains
- Music Leaders
- Chapel Leaders
- Duke of Edinburgh Award
- Invictus Program
The student body in our school is made up from a diversity of backgrounds. While our education system is based on the Christian principles of the Bible, we also teach respect for other cultures and faiths, embracing every individual in our school community.
Through this your child will develop meaningful friendships and share experiences that will develop their character.
Values are core to a safe, supportive and positive learning culture in our school community. Developed collaboratively, the school values guide the conversations and behaviours of students, staff and families. Our core values are:
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Integrity
- Compassion
Embedded in our curriculum, values education supports students to understand what is right and make positive behavioural choices, thus developing healthy social skills that equip young people to face challenges with confidence and serve the community with understanding.
Using our focus on the Bible and developing a relationship with Jesus, we are able to help your child foster the values that will shape their character as an adult. Whether your child is an Adventist, or follows another faith, the values taught within the Adventist education system will help them develop a compassionate, caring nature with strong values and wisdom.
Through example our teachers will help your child learn wise decision-making, respect for and acceptance of others, cooperation, willingness to meet new challenges, desire to help those in need, value for oneself and the desire to learn.
The educational organisation and function of this school is based on the Christian principles and values as understood and espoused by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. We have a firm conviction that there is an eternal, loving and personal God, the supreme focus of life, who has always existed, is all powerful, and is the source of all life, truth, beauty and Christian values.
We also believe that:
- God is both creator and sustainer of the universe, including this earth and all life.
- God reveals Himself to us through the natural world, His providential acts, scripture and Jesus Christ, who provides a perfect example for all to emulate. All truth finds its centre in God. The Christian faith should pervade all aspects of life.
- We were made in God's image to enjoy complete fellowship with our creator. Sin has corrupted us. However, God has opened the way for us to be restored to His image by personal acceptance of Jesus Christ.
- Life's meaning is found in a personal relationship with God.
- The work of the Holy Spirit continues the ministry of Jesus in our lives and character.
- The greatest satisfaction comes to those who co-operate with God's divine plan for their lives. God, through his moral laws, requires standards of ethical behaviour that are based on His loving character. These laws develop a commitment to selfless service and a personal and loving concern for all.
- Our belief in a real God, ultimately involved in our total experience, gives purpose and direction to the work of our school.
The educational program of this school aims to give primary emphasis to the development of a Christ-like character in the lives of its students and prepares them for the coming of their Lord and Saviour. The school aims to bring about the balanced development of the physical, mental, social and spiritual capacities, which in turn, leads to the development of a purposeful and responsible citizen.
- Nurture for Today
- Learning for Tomorrow
- Character for Eternity
We aim to help children develop strength of character and sound, Christian principles. Your child will engage in programs designed to teach the value of life and respect for others and themselves.
We believe that the foundations for life are formed in childhood and nurtured by developing:
- An awareness of a loving God
- Value for one's self
- Respect for, and acceptance of others
- Co-operation with others
- Application and desire to learn
- Willingness to meet new challenges
- Wisdom in decision making