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Term 1 - 30 Jan to 11 Apr Term 2 - 29 Apr to 4 Jul View more


Absence Notification

If a student is unexpectedly absent from school, by 8.30am we request parents/carers please submit an absence notice.

Please log an Absence Notification using the Absences tab in SEQTA Engage as follows:

  1. Go to SEQTA Engage
  2. Click on the Absences tab (third tab on the left side)
  3. Click 'New Absence'
  4. Enter absence details - please ensure you include details in the Comment section.
  5. Press 'Submit'

If late or leaving early, each student needs to log in and out using the Kiosk in the office. 

Medical certificates must be provided to Student Services for absences of more than three days, or if a compulsory event/exam is missed.  

Email: [email protected] 

Please note you will no longer receive an email confirmation after submitting absences. Unresolved absences will appear on your SEQTA Engage Dashboard.

Extended Leave

For planned absences greater than 3 days, please complete an Application for Extended Leave form which can be found in the Documents section of SEQTA Engage and submit it to [email protected] for processing.