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Term 1 - 30 Jan to 11 Apr Term 2 - 29 Apr to 4 Jul View more

Secondary School

Wahroonga Adventist School is a Prep to Year 12 co-education independent Christian School.

Our Secondary School students are recognised as future leaders. It is therefore our aim, through the unique educational experience provided, to prepare them for life beyond our campus.

The secondary learning years are both challenging and exciting. During this time, students extend and refine their learning, develop habits of mind and study practices that will serve them well in the future, and establish mature, healthy relationships with one another and their community.

What makes secondary schooling so distinctive is that students gradually take the lead role in their own educational development.  From Year 8 students experiment with a broad range of subjects in a variety of faculty areas. This leads them towards choices for Years 11 and 12 as they set their sights on academic and career pathways. A combination of subject-specific study side by side a broad range of co-curricular activities helps them develop their individual identity and pursue their interests and talents.

The mentoring relationships between students and teachers at this time is very important. Our teachers are experienced at working alongside our secondary students, guiding them to think critically and creatively about their subjects, showing them how to be responsible and interact maturely, and helping them to reach their full potential.

We encourage you to book a personalised tour or enrol for Secondary School today.

Click relevant title below to expand for further information

We help your child develop values based on the qualities displayed by Jesus. These values will contribute to shaping their characters as adults. Love, justice, compassion, forgiveness, service, humility, courage, hope and appreciation are taught explicitly during morning devotional time and our weekly chapel service. They are also inherent in the way we instruct, guide and support students in their daily learning activities and social interactions.

Secondary School focuses on service to others and leadership. Under the mentorship of caring teachers and chaplains, all senior students are given opportunities to lead out in music, sports and service activities. In Year 12, it is their turn to mentor the younger students and lead the school. This not only contributes to students' emotional wellbeing and community connectedness, but also allows them to grow in maturity and gain an understanding of what is required for good leadership and strong community.

Year 7

  • Bible
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
  • Art
  • Music
  • Technology (Food Tech/Timber Tech/Textiles)

Year 8

  • Biblical Studies
  • English
  • Geography
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • Personal Development, Health & Physical Education
  • Science
  • Visual Art
  • LOTE (French)
  • 2 x 50 hour electives

Please note: Year 8 electives are based on student interests so can change from year to year.

Years 9 & 10

  • Biblical Studies
  • English
  • Geography
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • Personal Development, Health & Physical Education
  • Science (Biology, Physics and Chemistry)
  • 2 x 200 hour electives

Please Note: Electives are based on student interests so may change from year to year.

Year 11 & 12

Subject choices consist of mandatory subjects and a wide array of electives.  Students are also given the opportunity to achieve their career goals by incorporating subjects of interest through distance education and TVET.

Personal excellence is a focus in every classroom, with assessments and activities used as a basis for extending those who show greater levels of interest and ability. Further extension opportunities are available through international competitions and assessments for schools (ICAS) and co-curricular activities distinctive to Senior School. In Years 11 and 12, extension is offered in elite levels of English and mathematics.  Students also have the option of studying subjects of interest through Distance Education and TVET.


Wahroonga Adventist School provides many opportunities for students to engage and participate in sport. Students attend weekly sport on Tuesday and are able to trial for numerous teams and individual sports throughout the year.

Tuesday Sport

Every Tuesday from 1:30-3:10, students can select sports to participate in. Each term these sports change, offering students a wide variety of options. These sports are played on school grounds, at local council facilities and at external providers. These sports include, but are not limited to; soccer, basketball, cricket, softball, touch football, oztag, netball, volleyball, badminton, tennis, flag football, AFL 9s, golf, dance, squash, self defence and mountain biking.

Tuesday Representative Sport

Each term, students can trial for the weekly representative team that competes against CSSA Nepean Zone schools. 


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4








Rugby League 7s

Touch Football


Pathways: CSSA and CIS

Wahroonga Adventist School is associated with Christian School Sports Association (CSSA) and uses this sports association as our pathway to CIS and beyond. Wahroonga Adventist School is part of the North Metropolitan Zone with Pacific Hills Christian School, Covenant Christian School, Northern Beaches Christian School and Oxford Falls Grammar School. For school based teams to progress through to CSSA State, students must first compete against these schools in the following sports; athletics, swimming, soccer, basketball, touch football, cricket. Other sports allow school teams and individuals to compete at CSSA State level straight away: cross country, netball, volleyball, oztag, futsal and softball.

Students wanting to trial as an individual athlete in sports will either need to be nominated to CSSA or CIS individually by the school sport coordinator. Weekly notifications will be available on Seqta with information on the upcoming sporting opportunities. To see a full list of all sports available, please visit the following links



Gala Days

Wahroonga Adventist School competes in gala days against other schools in CSSA. This provides teams with an opportunity to progress through the pathways.

Z indicates that it is a CSSA Zone based gala day, S indicates it is a CSSA State based gala day;


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4


Cricket (Z)

Hockey (S)

Football (Z)

Volleyball (S)

Netball (S)

Basketball (Z)

Oztag (S)

Futsal (S)

Touch Football (Z)

Softball (S)


Each year, students can compete at the school swimming, cross country and athletics carnival.



Time of year

Swimming Carnival

Knox Grammar School

Early Term 1

Cross Country Carnival

School oval and surrounding Coups Creek bushland

Early Term 2

Athletics Carnival

Sydney Olympic Park Athletic Centre Warm Up Track 

Mid Term 2

Individual Nomination

Students who play a sport at a high level can be nominated to trial as an individual athlete at CSSA and CIS levels. These trials are highly competitive and require a playing history when submitting the nomination. Information on the upcoming nominations are available on Seqta notices. Please note that CSSA and CIS do not accept late nominations.

Extracurricular Activities

Currently, Wahroonga Adventist School offers 3 regular sporting extracurricular activities. On Monday afternoons, 1hr basketball sessions are located on the school basketball courts. The training sessions involve basketball specific fitness, strength, skills and game sense;

  • Fundamental skills 3.30pm – 4.30pm
  • Advanced skills (selection based – 20 positions) 4.30pm – 5.30pm

On Tuesday mornings, running training runs from 7am-8am. The training sessions involve running multiple kilometres (3kms – 6kms) and completing fitness and strength drills. Activities are suitable for beginners through to advanced runners. Breakfast is available after running training for $2.

Twice a term, students and parents can come along to a Sunday morning mountain bike ride at various locations. Rides require fitness & involve an element of risk. Rides include multiple kilometres on dirt single trails with natural features including rocks, tree roots, trees & man-made features such as berms, jumps & drops. Some regular locations include Ourimbah XC MTB track, Hornsby – ‘Old Man’s Valley’ and Westleigh – ‘H20 loop’.

Trials and Trainings

Trials of all school teams happen either before or during school. Depending on popularity, there may be multiple trials. Once the team is selected, students are expected to attend the weekly training sessions leading up to the competition. These trainings can be before, during or after school.


There are a number of co-curricular opportunities that students of all ages can engage in at Wahroonga Adventist School. Below is an outline of the program for Term 2 along with links for registering.

Co-curricular Letter - Term 3 2022.pdf

Our classrooms are digitally equipped with age-appropriate technology. This enhances the delivery of the curriculum, caters to a broad range of learning styles, and allows students to solve problems, work, and connect with each other in today's world. Senior School students also have access to internet-based research and appropriate software and learning technology.

Our classroom teachers and year level coordinators are on the front line of pastoral care as they interact with students on a day to day basis. We have an anti-bullying policy and discipline practices that are designed to build harmonious relationships and resolve issues of concern or conflict openly and respectfully.

Our chaplains provide support to students, staff and school families regardless of their faith. They are active in coordinating programs for social wellbeing and emotional development, interacting with students in the playground and offering a friendly listening ear, mentoring students with behavioural or emotional needs, enhancing engagement with the broader community, and providing a range of opportunities for spiritual reflection. In times of loss and trauma, they provide additional support to individuals, families and the school community.

Click here to view chaplaincy policy.

Our school counsellor is available for more specific social-emotional needs that require specialist assistance or outside referral.

Click here to view school counsellor policy.

We value our partnership with parents and recognise that when school and parents have shared expectations, positive behaviour and change for the better is most likely to occur. Concerned parents are welcome to contact their child's teacher, school chaplain, school counsellor or administration at any time.