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Term 1 - 30 Jan to 11 Apr Term 2 - 29 Apr to 4 Jul View more

Primary School

Wahroonga Adventist School is an independent Prep to Year 12 co-education Christian School.

Primary School is a dynamic environment where we foster a sense of belonging, a love of learning, and a deeper relationship with God.

With nurture and encouragement, the key components of classroom culture, these early Primary School years help students grow in confidence, interact in more depth with new knowledge and skills, learn from one other, and develop learning responsibility.

Literacy and numeracy are encountered in every context across the curriculum, forming a strong foundation for students' future schooling. At the same time, music, sport, technology and a range of extracurricular offerings give students an outlet for expression and provide opportunities to develop their individual interests and talents.

Early adolescence is a time of rapid physical, social, emotional and cognitive change for children. We target teaching and learning to each level of developing maturity. In Years 5 and 6, our students enjoy the security of a single classroom and one teacher for most of their core learning, while also exploring a limited number of additional classrooms and teachers for specialist subjects.

We emphasise values and prioritise social-emotional wellbeing to prepare students with vital skills, knowledge and attitudes for their secondary years.

We encourage you to book a personalised tour or enrol for Primary School today.

Please click the relevant title below to expand for further information

We help your child develop values based on the qualities displayed by Jesus. These values will contribute to shaping their characters as adults. Compassion, enthusiasm, self-control, determination, forgiveness, attentiveness, faith, nurture and excellence are taught explicitly. They are also inherent in the way we instruct, guide and support students in their daily learning activities and social interactions. Students receive awards for positive conduct in the school community.

BIBLE: The study of the life of Christ and other people in the Bible

ENGLISH: The study of grammar, reading, spelling, handwriting, writing and speaking

MATHEMATICS: The study of problem solving, estimation and calculation

SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: The study of scientific process, experimentation, and introduction to different technologies

HISTORY & GEOGRAPHY: The study of history, geography and citizenship

CREATIVE & PRACTICAL ARTS: Exploring, expressing, communicating and performing through dance, drama, art and music

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Playing and learning new skills and sports, developing fine and gross motor skills

LOTE: French

Personal excellence is a focus in every classroom, with assessments and activities used as a basis for extending those who show greater levels of interest and ability. Students are streamed in reading, maths and spelling, thus allowing for more targeted instruction and academic development.

Additional opportunities that challenge and extend learning, interests and talents are available through international competitions and assessments for schools (ICAS) and co-curricular activities such as music tuition, band, choir and art.

It is understood that each student learns in a different manner. Our teachers aim to cater for all learning styles and incorporate a wide variety of activities such as student-led tutorials, excursions, question and answer sessions, experiments, group work, creative expression and arts, multi-media, games, technology, and discussions. These activities complement teaching, textbook use, projects and assessments.

Primary School Sport (Years K to 6)

At Wahroonga Adventist School we run a sports program for our Primary School Students on a weekly basis and are also active participants in both Interschool and Intraschool sporting events.

Weekly Sport

Physical Education in our Primary School is focused on developing a range of skills and techniques that can be applied within popular sports. Students are provided with opportunities to play on both the field and court with a variety of equipment to assist their fundamental movement skills and prepare them for an active future.

 The areas of focus include: 


Early Stage 1
(Prep & Kindy)

Stage 1
(Years 1 & 2)

Stage 2
(Years 3 & 4)

Stage 3
(Years 5 & 6)







Game Sense




Turbo Touch


Ball Skills










Eligibility for representative pathways in interschool sports for Primary aged students begins in the year they turn 8 years old. Those students who are selected and are successful will usually progress through the stages below:

  1. WAS - Wahroonga Adventist School
  2. ASISSA - All Suburbs Independent School Sports Association
  3. CIS – Combined Independent Schools
  4. NSWPSSA – NSW Primary Schools Sports Association
  5. SSA – School Sport Australia

 For details on upcoming events please visit;


SDA Gala Days

As Wahroonga Adventist School is also part of the Greater Sydney Adventist Conference we participate in competitions (for Years 3-6) each term against other schools in our region. Please see below for this year’s schedule:


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4



Years 5 & 6


Years 3 & 4

Touch Football

Years 5 & 6


Years 3 & 4

There are a number of co-curricular opportunities that students of all ages can engage in at Wahroonga Adventist School. Below is an outline of the program for Term 2 along with links for registering.

Co-curricular Letter - Term 3 2022.pdf


Our classrooms are digitally equipped with age-appropriate technology. This enhances the delivery of the curriculum, caters to a broad range of learning styles, and allows students to solve problems, work, and connect with each other and the world in 21st century ways. Regular access to technology in the classroom is a part of the weekly program.